Major Areas Update

A pretty big update for the game! Most of the areas have been visually overhauled, new secrets new puzzles and new enemies!

Release Highlights

  • Layout and order of the areas has been changed dramatically to flow better
  • Graphically overhauled the 'orange' section to be the new sewers with a new puzzle, slime enemy type and secrets
  • Graphically overhauled the 'library tower' section and radically changed the level layout
  • Graphically overhauled the 'blue' section and replaced it with an entire new zone, the caves, with a whole new miniboss and several new mechanics
  • Added a new short 'prison' area to be found

Tweaks and changes

Wizard miniboss given more health

Added purple frogs to the sewers

Areas are now announced when you arrive in them

Added small delay to the final boss attacks to give the player more of a chance to react

Made some of the final boss attack patterns slightly easier

You now recover full health after dying

Can now exit to the main menu from the ending credits

Added options to the pause menu to toggle the screen shake and parallax

Added music and SFX volume to the pause menu, which should apply to all game sounds

Added a controls view to the pause menu

Reduced jump power slightly

Reduced run speed slightly

Slightly extended the platforms in the final boss room to make climbing easier


Fixed slimes & cultists not dropping coins

Fixed a bug where archers would fire at you even when they couldn't see you

Removed timed door from the sewers as it felt frustrating

various enemies added missing hit effects, should be more satisfying to kill

Fixed the shadows in the final boss room

Fixed the pause menu showing behind the boss title

Fixed timed levers not showing the ghost echo

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